Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy

…ed his students to give importance to physical well being and feats of self-transcendence. The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, founded by Sri Chinmoy, is one of the world’s leading ultra distance organisers. They hold an annual 6 day and 10 day race, and also the world’s longest certified footrace – The 3100 Mile Self Transcendence Race. Other aspects of Sri Chinmoy’s service can be viewed at Other Related Links Sri Chinmoy T…

Sri Chinmoy’s 300lb one-arm lift

…ur months, Sri Chinmoy remained the epitome of determination and never-give-up-spirit. Here, for example is his prayer on July 14: My sweet Lord Supreme, I do know there is a life That is known as the life of failure But I also know, I also feel, That by Your Grace infinite Someday, somehow, I shall overcome it. Finally, on 11 August the bar gave way – a weight of 303 1/4 pounds. “Say I have set my goal at 300 pounds, and I cannot do it.”, Sri Chi…